Manu K. Nayar

Manu K. Nayar

Newcastle (UK)

Consultant Gastroenterologist and Pancreaticobiliary Physician

HPB Unit, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne; U.K.

Manu Nayar is a full time Consultant Gastroenterologist at the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne since 2008. His subspecialty area of interest is hepatobiliary and pancreatic medicine. This includes endoscopic management i.e. therapeutic ERCP and endoscopic ultrasound and also management of benign & malignant pancreaticobiliary diseases. He is well published in peer reviewed journals in this area. He has been the director of endoscopy and the training centre lead for Newcastle upon Tyne Hospital. He is the President of the UK & Ireland EUS society. He is a committee member of the pancreatic society of GB & Ireland, the BSG endoscopy section & the European EUS organisation. He organises an annual national course for ERCP and EUS for nurses and is the course director the JAG EUS basic skills course. He is a course director of various national meetings & is a faculty on multiple national live endoscopy events.  He is involved in national trials relating to pancreaticobiliary (PB) endoscopy and is well published in this field.